What's your name?
Paul Robinson
And tell me a little about yourself..
Well I live in Dunmurry with my wonderful new wife Brittany. She's the best. I write the occassional blog for xxxchurch and I want to be a writer.
What's going on here?
This is my blog. You are very welcome. I write about a lot of stuff, mostly things that I care about. Please. Come in and make yourself at home. That doesn't mean you can sit in your underwear and read though. That's disgusting.
I thought you said make yourself at home...
Yeah, well I changed my mind creeper
I think we got off on the wrong foot..
Yeah let's start again
So what's your name?
Paul Robinson
And tell me a little about yourself
Do you ever get Deja Vu?
mmm now you mention it?
oh one last question? Why all the pink?
..I like PINK OK?!!
Oooh touchy